SkriLab introduces a creative approach to learning through problem solving, building manual and social skills at the same time. All of that is accompanied by modern technologies such as 3D printing, robotics and programming.
SkriLab offers tools, materials, lesson scenarios and multimedia aids for teachers, which makes it a perfect tool for carrying out interesting and engaging lessons.

Interactive Panels
Using the Insite interactive panels, turn your classroom into a collaborative interactive environment, with ability to cast/annotate/draw.
IT Products
Insite has a specialist procurement team that sources product from both local and offshore suppliers, giving us the ability to provide products at a different price and time frame to our competitor’s

Yes we offer a range of finance options as well as outright purchase
Yes while our head office is in Auckland, we have sales staff around New Zealand and deal with schools in both Northland and Southland
Yes we are 100% New Zealand owned and operated
Items eiher have global warranty or are supported by conbrio warranty & repair team, so regardless we will always sort any warranty issues
Yes with the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions our sales staff can organise online webinars to showcase any of our products